The Floorboard Spotlight
Adventures Through The Newgrounds Audio Portal
Issue #1 - April 16th, 2021: So It Begins
What is this? Well... I'm not sure yet, but following the influence of @littlbox and @thetanktribune, I wanted to put something together to give some appreciation to fellow artists and build a greater sense of community among the newgrounds audio folks. I'll be including mixes, project reviews, and audio forum highlights. I'm not sure how frequently I'll be doing this, but I'll aim to do this at least twice a month or so.
The Floorboard Mix:
An extremely well produced bass-centric piece by @SynchroSpectre. I REALLY love the vocal production on this one. Well worth a listen! Check it out:
This piece by @LordAndiso is phenomenal. Like... wow. SUCH a groove. And I'm a sucker for some good music box sounds. Honestly, it kind of pisses me off that this kid is 16. Give it a play:
This piece from @SacredOyster is my favorite kind of weird. Seriously underappreciated! Why don't you take his red car for a test drive:
Great raw tune from a friend of @SourJovis. Don't be waiting on this one:
This is addictive to listen to, but, so is everything @BitBeak does. I just LOVE the flutey stringy textures in this. Treat yourself to some ear candy:
Here's a nice retro tune with some lovely synthetic textures, and great vocals, brought to you by @fearing. No need for drug abuse when we can all get high off this spicy sax:
I'd never listened to any orchestral dubstep until I found this beauty by @Karumamusic. Whether you like to sit quitely in the concert hall, or headbang to some distorted bass, it's definitely worth a dive into this:
Here is some truly lovely and exploratory video game music from @GundorSound. Beautiful melodies! Very easy to fall in love with this track:
A poignant piano composition to close this out. Embrace the hope within darkness as @Troisnyx tickles those digital ivories. It's easy to close your eyes and drift away into this stunning piece:
Project Spotlight: The Short End by @Littlbox
@Littlbox absolutely KILLS it with his latest EP "The Short End" by imaginary band "Captainsideway". A fun exploration of odd time signitures, analogue textures, and unique sonic spaces, bringing feelings of crisis and hope; of nostalgia and revelation. It's fantastical and raw, like old memories of a broken yet beautiful childhood home. I'd highly reccomend tuning in for littlebox's little masterpiece.
Listen on newgrounds:
Or buy him a beer (or two) through BandCamp.
Also, while we're still on the "Project Spotlight" section here, @BitBeak finally got his stuff up on Spotify, so check that out as well here.
Audio Forum Highlights:
- User @aakase brings the idea of a newgrounds label into dicussion.
- User @AceMantra asks about the collaboration process.
- User @BBank gets us all to have some fun with band names.
- We finally got ourselves a thread for the REAPER DAW.
- User @Troisnyx completed a song a day for the 40 days of lent, so take a peek at her portfolio thread to take a listen.
- User @MetalRenard is planning a metal/rock workshop.
- User @Aidnic7 gets us sharing the love for some underappreciated musicians.
- User @JojoTully asks what your personal favorite track is.
- User @itemgod asks about you favorite VSTs.
Well folks, that's it for the first issue! Do you guys find value in this? Should I continue? Let me know!
All the best,
woah i was mentioned in a post. awesome.
my pleasure!